السبت، 20 سبتمبر 2014

Splendor of summer in Italy

Splendor of summer in Italy

Choose a holiday destination in the summer may be confusing the issue, Summers separate activity and starting and a lot of states are competing to offer the most beautiful Mijzb draws tourists and travelers. No particular country charm, beauty, and the cradle of civilizations and cultures, European Italy, this state is a picturesque tourist trend is obvious and excellent choice in the summer for experts to travel to Europe. Let us introduce you to the summer of Italy. 

When the summer in Italy? 

Extends summer in Italy than a month in June to September, and these months is considered the highest tourist season in Italy, the climate is during the day will be sunny and appropriate to visit Hoti Italy brilliant, either Balal climate is cute and fun for Tami and roaming the streets beautiful. 

Have you heard about Elvirajusto?
Zonghusto or Ferragosto is the holiday season for the people of Italy, Vsnuya in August, leaving the Italians cities and go to the coast of Italy, and in this period closed doors most of the good restaurants and cafes, shops and even pharmacies and clinics, and become the big cities such as Rome looks like a ghost town. So Our advice at this time of year is to go to areas such as Umbria or Marsh or better than that then Bastajar villa in Tuscany wonderful, and the experience of our proposals, we recommend the following summer in Italy. 

1 summer festivals and celebrations 

Umbria Jazz 

From small villages to big cities you'll find festivals and celebrations everywhere in Italy, you have Almehrjat annual music famous Umbria Jazz, which occurs in the city of Perugia in the month of July. 


And do not miss the festival Palio horse races in Siena, which runs monthly in July and August / August and other celebrations continued throughout the summer months. 

  2 Italian dining experience on assets 


Where to begin? Of pasta or pizza or coffee prepared on each type, the summer period of great zest for a kick as Italy courtesy of Creations Summers season is tastier fruits and vegetables, and a wonderful time to drink a cup of coffee in the cafes of Italy quiet. There you will find the most beautiful of the sweetener in the city of Piedmont, it is home, "Nutella" and "Ferrero Rocher" and made ​​from local hazelnuts, the city is also famous for its Black Truffle, one of the rarest and most expensive foods. 

3 magnificent lakes Italy 


  Italy has more than 10 lakes are called in Italian Lago Lago, do not expect never miss a summer in Italy without passing on those picturesque bodies of water, it offers a romantic ambiance and relaxation is not seen, you have Lake Como in the north, near Milan. 

Button or the largest lake in Italy, Lake Garda, and inevitably will forget your worries in front of Lake Orta overlooking the small village of Orta San Guillou. All of these lakes surrounded by all services of hotels and restaurants and cafes.

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