السبت، 20 سبتمبر 2014

The most beautiful natural swimming pools in Italy

The most beautiful natural swimming pools in Italy

In this article will not talk about excellent beaches for swimming and water sports, nor for Alternative expected (swimming pools), but we will get back to nature, and to what provided us of the possibilities, such as natural pools, rivers, waterfalls and hot springs, and specifically we will be in Italy. Featuring a region stretching from Sicily to Ombrade even in Italy where the natural abundance of swimming pools, and in the newly released book tour under the title of "crazy experiments" There is a review of the most beautiful open areas for swimming in Italy, we will stop at the most important 8 including:
Best hot springs: Fosso Bianco, Bagni San Filippo, Tuscany 

Flowing between forest hot spring, Mara huge limestone rocks hurt in warm pools exquisite beauty. You just relax and enjoy this charming place, in summer and winter.


Brkian Ckatan Raúata color, Mhattan enchanting valley is rich in waterfalls, wildlife and flowers. The best place for rafting (Alravcnj) and light water adventures.

The best waterfalls: Cascata Plera, Tolmezzo, Friuli-Venezia Giulia 

Waterfall flowing over rocks repressive form of hurt in a pool of blue real. Thanks to the refreshing air droplets in the air.

The best sites to jump: Torrente Ceronda, Valleys of Turin, Piedmont 

Quiet in the middle of a forest and wilderness, Ahpsoa your breath for diving and swimming among the rocks in a large pond turquoise color.

Eat on the banks: Lago di San Domenico, L'Aquila, Abruzzo 

Magnificent view of the protected natural Gole del Sagittario makes this lake green witch perfect place for a stroll. Special place and enchanting at sunset.

Best for children and families: Le piscine dell'Auro, Metauro Valley, Le Marche 

  In this valley stunning River flows Auro from waterfall to hurt another in a series of natural ponds easy access. Rocks appropriate deck under the sun and the water is warm and pleasant.

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